Long Time, No Post.

Baby Logan is 7 weeks old. It’s been a smooth transition to a family of six.

Well . . . mostly.

There are the moments where it gets real- but overall, it’s been a beautiful thing.

Having James home office has been the sweetest blessing I could ever imagine. Lunch breaks where he can hold a baby, run to the store, or take the kids to the pool has been such a gift. It is so nice for him to walk Scarlett to school and have zero commute time to the office.  He enjoys the stimulation of the office, so it won’t last forever- but for now,  I am so thankful!


When they all play together, my heart melts.


And when they don’t, they melt (haha).


We nicknamed Meredith “Tank.” She doesn’t get pushed around. This was not the photo I imagined, but it makes me laugh.


Babies, babies, babies . . . Scarlett is in love!

I’m so thankful for the friends and family members who have helped us out with meals or playdates or cuddling Logan. I have a very special lady, who we call “Granny on the Go” who spends the day with us once a week. She is the biggest blessing- she folds laundry, babysits, cooks, helps on outings, gives great advice, and is such a pleasure to have around. She is such a demonstration of love to us.


Granny on the Go!

My cousin Chelsea has also been an incredible friend to all of us. I tease her that she is the only thing more popular than the IPad in our house. Who else dresses up as a Ninja to surprise the kids then wears a homemade unicorn hat to the grocery store at the kids’ request?


My little brother came for a visit from New Mexico. We love you Uncle Michael! Michael’s love for God and people is incredibly contagious, and I love spending time with him.


We have all made friends in the neighbourhood and that makes it feel like home. Building community is the biggest desire of my heart- that people feel connected, loved, and noticed. England really taught me the value and beauty of interconnectedness- and  it has been fun to get to know people in our new neighbourhood. I’ve met some amazing new mom friends, and I’m excited to get to know them better.

Keeping connected with time differences and newborn babies has been harder than I thought it would be. But as it goes with good friends, when we do get a chance to talk, it is as if no time has passed. The blog helps, too!

Scarlett is upside down more often than not, cartwheeling and hand standing everywhere we go. She started gymnastics last week, and she loves it. I forgot how intense Texas sports are. Some of the 8 year olds do gymnastics for 11 hours per week!


Meredith will hug Logan who wiggles his arms as babies do. She gets very animated and shouts, “Baby Logan is ATTACKING me!” It’s quite cute. She also draws on her face- lol.


Meredith turned two. Mom & Dad hosted a very last minute party, (as in planned the evening before). She had a house-full none the less!



Colorado-3Colorado-2ColoradoThe kids and I went with James on his business trip to Colorado.  It was absolutely beautiful. My mom met us up there, which was a massive help, and we went sightseeing while James worked (thanks babe!).

We were amazed. Driving through Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado for 11.5 hours, you see such a vast array of landscape. From plains to volcanic fields, to mountains- from sunup to sunrise and starry nights, during all types of weather, the beauty was astounding.



Scarlett started second grade. She informs me that she has been chasing boys at recess and is starting a non-profit organisation with her friends to save nature.

I love her can-do attitude.


So many people have reached out to us about Hurricane Harvey. Fortunately, we are not in the path of the storm, but for those who are, the devastation has been tremendous and unimaginable. If you know someone who needs a place to stay, please reach out to us. Having just started over from scratch (albeit by our own doing), we recognise the unique challenges facing people who are moving to a new place with nothing and want to help.

Love and miss our across-the-sea people!





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